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If you want to format the volume, select the Format This Volume With The Following Settings option, and then conigure the associated options as follows. The cluster size signi- ies the basic unit of bytes in which the system allocates disk space. The system calculates the default allocation unit size based on the size of the volume. For example, if your client uses consistently small iles, you might want to set the allocation unit size to a smaller cluster size.

The default name is New Volume, but you can change the name to anything you want. This is a faster method to format the drive, but Microsoft does not recommend it. When you check for errors, the system looks for and marks bad sectors on the disk so that your clients will not use those portions of the disk. This option is available only for volumes being formatted with the NTFS ile system. Review the settings to conirm your options, and then click Finish.

The wizard creates the volume according to your speciications. Close the console containing the Disk Management snap-in. After you create a simple volume, you can use the Disk Management snap-in to modify its properties by extending it or shrinking it, as described later in this lesson. This procedure can create volumes on physical or virtual disks. You can also create simple volumes by using a similar wizard in Server Manager.

The primary difference is that, like all Server Manager wizards, the New Volume Wizard includes a page that enables you to select the server and the disk on which you want to cre- ate the volume, as shown in Figure You can therefore use this wizard to create volumes on any disk on any of your servers. Creating a striped, spanned, mirrored, or RAID-5 volume The procedure for creating a striped, spanned, mirrored, or RAID-5 volume is almost the same as that for creating a simple volume, except that the Specify Volume Size page is replaced by the Select Disks page.

To create a striped, spanned, mirrored, or RAID-5 volume, use the following procedure. The Server Manager window appears. Right-click an unallocated area on a disk and then, from the shortcut menu, select the command for the type of volume you want to create. A New Volume Wizard starts, named for your selected volume type. The Select Disks page appears, as shown in Figure On the Select Disks page, select the disks you want to use for the new volume from the Available list box, and then click Add.

The disks you chose are moved to the Selected list box, joining the original disk you selected when launching the wizard. For a striped, spanned, or mirrored volume, you must have at least two disks in the Selected list; for a RAID-5 volume, you must have at least three. Then click Next. The default value for each disk is the size of the unallocated space on that disk.

The default value is the size of the unallocated space on the disk with the least free space. Specify whether you want to assign a drive letter or path, and then click Next. The Format Partition page opens. If any of the disks you selected to create the volume are basic disks, a Disk Management message box appears, warning you that the volume creation process will convert the basic disks to dynamic disks.

Click Yes. Close the Disk Management snap-in. For example, at least two disks with unallocated space must be available to create a striped, spanned, or mirrored volume, and at least three disks must be available to create a RAID-5 volume. On a new server running Windows Server , Morris created a storage pool that consists of two physical drives holding 1 TB each. Then he created three simple vir- tual disks out of the space in the storage pool. Why will adding a third disk to the storage pool fail to improve the fault toler- ance of the storage plan?

How can Morris modify the storage plan to make it fault tolerant? Server Manager can perform many of the same tasks for servers all over the network. This submenu provides access to home pages that enable administrators to man- age volumes, disks, storage pools, shares, and iSCSI devices.

Once you have cre- ated a storage pool, you can use the space to create as many virtual disks as you need. Which of the following statements are true of striped volumes? Striped volumes provide enhanced performance over simple volumes. Striped volumes provide greater fault tolerance than simple volumes.

You can extend striped volumes after creation. Which of the following are requirements for extending a volume on a dynamic disk? If you want to extend a simple volume, you can use only the available space on the same disk if the volume is to remain simple. The volume must have a ile system a raw volume before you can extend a simple or spanned volume. You can extend a simple volume across additional disks if it is not a system volume or a boot volume.

Which of the following volume types supported by Windows Server provide fault tolerance? Striped B. Spanned C. Mirrored D. RAID-5 4. A JBOD drive array is an alternative to which of the following?

SAN B. SCSI C. RAID D. Correct answers: A, C A. Correct: DNS is an infrastructure service. Correct: DHCP is an infrastructure service. Incorrect: Remote Desktop Services is an application service, not an infrastructure service.

Correct answer: B A. Incorrect: You cannot upgrade Windows 7 Ultimate, or any workstation operating system, to Windows Server Essentials. Correct answer: A A. Incorrect: MMC is one of the graphical applications available in the Minimal Server Installation, but you do not install it individually. Correct answer: D A. Incorrect: The Windows directory contains live operating system iles, not the installation iles.

Incorrect: The System32 directory contains live operating system iles, not the installation iles. Incorrect: There is no bin directory associated with the Windows operating system. Correct: Windows stores all the operating system installation modules in the WinSxS directory. Incorrect: The inclusion of additional cmdlets in Windows PowerShell 3. Correct: Server Manager incorporates a server selection interface into many of its wizards.

Install-WindowsFeature 2. Correct answers: B, D A. You do not have to remove it to convert to a Server Core installation.

You must remove it to convert to a Server Core installation. Correct: In Switch Independent Mode, the NICs in the team are connected to dif- ferent switches, providing alternate paths through the network. Incorrect: In Switch Dependent Mode, the NICs in the team are connected to the same switches, providing link aggregation but no fault tolerance.

Correct answer: C A. Incorrect: Net. Incorrect: Netsh. Correct: Netdom. Incorrect: Ipconig. Correct: Server Manager cannot deploy roles to multiple servers at the same time. Incorrect: Server Manager combines the role and feature installation processes into a single wizard. Incorrect:Server Manager can install roles and features to any Windows Server server on the network. Correct answers: C, D A.

Incorrect: You can stop a running service by using Server Manager. Incorrect: You can start a stopped service by using Server Manager C. Correct: You cannot disable a service by using Server Manager. Correct: You cannot conigure a service to start when the computer starts by using Server Manager.

Morris has created a RAID-5 volume out of virtual disks created out of a storage pool that has only two physical disks in it. A RAID-5 volume can only provide fault tolerance by storing data on three physical disks. Adding a third disk will not guarantee fault tolerance because there is no assurance that each of the three virtual disks exists on a separate individual disk. To make the plan fault-tolerant, Morris should delete the three simple virtual disks and create one new virtual disk by using either the mirror or parity layout option.

Correct answers: A, D A. Correct: Striping provides improved performance because each disk drive in the array has time to seek the location of its next stripe while the other drives are writing. Incorrect: Striped volumes do not contain redundant data and therefore do not provide fault tolerance. Incorrect: Striped volumes cannot be extended after creation without destroying the data stored on them in the process.

Correct: If a single physical disk in the striped volume fails, all the data in the entire volume is lost. Correct: When extending a simple volume, you can use only the available space on the same disk.

If you extend the volume to another disk, it is no longer simple. Incorrect: You can extend a simple or spanned volume, even if it does not have a ile system a raw volume. Correct: You can extend a simple volume across additional disks if it is not a sys- tem volume or a boot volume. Incorrect: A striped volume spreads data among multiple disks, but it writes the data only once. Therefore, it does not provide fault tolerance. Incorrect: A spanned volume uses space on multiple drives, but it writes the data only once.

Correct: A mirrored volume writes duplicate copies of all data to two or more disks, thereby providing fault tolerance. Correct: A RAID-5 volume writes data and parity information on multiple disks, thereby providing fault tolerance. Incorrect: SCSI is disk interface, not a type of drive array. In the business world, ile and printer sharing were the reasons computers were networked in the irst place, and with Windows Server , remote management has become a critical element of server administration.

Objective 2. After you have conigured the disks on a ile server, you must create shares to enable network users to access those disks. This method of creating shares provides a simpliied interface that contains only limited control over elements such as share permissions. Clicking the Share button launches the same dialog box, and the Advanced Sharing button displays the Advanced Sharing dialog box, shown in Figure , which provides greater control over share permissions.

To take control of the shares on all your disks on all your servers and exercise granular control over their properties, you can use the File and Storage Services home page in Server Manager.

When you install Windows Server , the setup program installs the Storage Services role service in the File and Storage Services role by default.

To create a folder share by using Server Manager, use the following procedure. Log on to Windows Server using an account with Administrator privileges. Click the File and Storage Services icon and, in the submenu that appears, click Shares to open the Shares home page. From the Tasks menu, select New Share. Select the server on which you want to create the share and either select a volume on the server or specify a path to the folder you want to share.

The Specify Share Name page appears. Both these pages provide access to functions implemented by the Server for NFS role service, as covered in Objective 2. In the Share Name text box, specify the name you want to assign to the share and click Next. The Conigure Share Settings page appears, as shown in Figure Simply put, users who cannot access a particular shared re- source are unable to see that resource on the network.

This feature prevents users from searching through iles and folders they cannot access. When a client selects the Always Available Ofline option for a server-based ile, folder, or share, the client system copies the selected data to the local drive and updates it regularly so the client user can always access it, even if the server is ofline.

Windows Server and Windows 8 also have a new Always Ofline mode for the Ofline Files feature that causes clients to always use the cached copy of server iles, providing better performance.

To implement this mode, you must set the Conigure slow-link mode Group Policy setting on the client to a value of 1 millisecond. The Conirm Selections page appears. Both these pages provide access to functions of the File Server Resource Manager applica- tion, as covered in Objective 2.

The View Results page appears as the wizard creates the share. Close the New Share Wizard. After you create a share by using the wizard, the new share appears in the Shares tile on the Shares home page in Server Manager. You can now use the tile to manage a share by right-clicking it and opening its Properties sheet or by clicking Stop Sharing.

To implement this access control, Windows Server uses permissions. Permissions are privileges granted to speciic system entities, such as users, groups, or computers, enabling them to perform a task or access a resource.

For example, you can grant a speciic user permission to read a ile while denying that same user the permissions needed to modify or delete the ile. Windows Server has several sets of permissions, which operate independently of each other. To access a ile over a network, a user must have appropriate share permissions and appropriate NTFS per- missions if the shared folder is on an NTFS volume. To access a ile, either on the local system or over a network, a user must have the appropriate NTFS permissions.

All these permission systems operate independently of each other and sometimes combine to provide increased protection to a speciic resource. As you saw earlier, you can grant these permissions as part of the share creation process, but you can also modify the permissions at any time afterward.

Understanding the Windows permission architecture To store the permissions, each of these elements has an access control list ACL. Each ACE consists of a security principal that is, the name of the user, group, or computer granted the permissions and the speciic permissions assigned to that security principal. All the Windows permission systems use the same basic interface, although the permis- sions themselves differ.

Server Manager also provides access to NTFS and share permissions by using a slightly different interface. Understanding basic and advanced permissions The permissions protecting a particular system element are not like the keys to a lock, which provide either full access or no access at all.

Permissions are designed to be granular, enabling you to grant speciic degrees of access to security principals. To provide this granularity, each of the Windows permission systems has an assortment of permissions you can assign to a security principal in any combination.

Depending on the per- mission system with which you are working, you might have dozens of different permissions available for a single system element. Windows provides preconigured permission combinations suitable for most common access control chores. When you open the Properties sheet for a system element and look at its Security tab, the NTFS permissions you see are called basic permissions. Basic permissions are actually combinations of advanced permissions, which provide the most granular control over the element.

Candidates for certiication exams should be aware of these alternative terms. For example, the NTFS permission system has 14 advanced permissions you can assign to a folder or ile. In most cases, administrators work only with basic permissions. Many administrators rarely, if ever, work directly with advanced permissions.

If you ind it necessary to work directly with advanced permissions, Windows makes it possible. When you click the Advanced button on the Security tab of any Properties sheet, an Advanced Security Settings dialog box appears, as shown in Figure , which enables you to access directly the ACEs for the selected system element. Most administrators prefer the additive approach, because Windows, by default, attempts to limit access to important system elements.

In a properly designed permission hierarchy, the use of Deny permissions is often unnecessary. Many administrators frown on their use, Objective 2. Inheriting permissions The most important principle in permission management is that permissions tend to run downward through a hierarchy.

This is called permission inheritance. Permission inheritance means that parent elements pass their permissions down to their subordinate elements. For example, when you grant Alice Allow permissions to access the root of the D drive, all the folders and subfolders on the D drive inherit those permissions, and Alice can access them. The principle of inheritance greatly simpliies the permission assignment process. Without it, you would have to grant security principals individual Allow permissions for every ile, folder, share, object, and key they need to access.

With inheritance, you can grant access to an entire ile system by creating one set of Allow permissions. In most cases, whether consciously or not, system administrators take inheritance into account when they design their ile systems and Active Directory Domain Services trees.

The location of a system element in a hierarchy is often based on how the administrators plan to assign permissions. In some situations, an administrator might want to prevent subordinate elements from inheriting permissions from their parents. This effectively blocks the inheritance process. Understanding effective access A security principal can receive permissions in many ways, and it is important for an admin- istrator to understand how these permissions interact.

The combination of Allow permis- sions and Deny permissions a security principal receives for a given system element, whether explicitly assigned, inherited, or received through a group membership, is called the effective access for that element. Because a security principal can receive permissions from so many sources, it is not unusual for those permissions to conlict.

The following rules deine how the permissions combine to form the effective access. When a security principal receives Allow permissions from more than one source, the permissions are combined to form the effective access permissions. When a security principal receives Allow permissions, whether explicitly, by inheritance, or from a group, you can override those permissions by granting the principal Deny permissions of the same type. When a security principal receives permissions by inheriting them from a parent or from group memberships, you can override those permissions by explicitly assigning contradicting permissions to the security principal itself.

Of course, instead of examining and evaluating all the possible permission sources, you can just open the Advanced Security Settings dialog box and click the Effective Access tab. On this tab, you can select a user, group, or device and view its effective access, with or without the inluence provided by speciic groups.

Setting share permissions On Windows Server , shared folders have their own permission system, which is inde- pendent from the other Windows permission systems. For network users to access shares on a ile server, you must grant them the appropriate share permissions. By default, the Everyone special identity receives the Allow Full Control share permission to any new shares you create.

To modify the share permissions for an existing share by using File Explorer, you open the Properties sheet for the shared folder, select the Sharing tab, and then click Advanced Sharing and Permissions to open the Share Permissions tab, as shown in Figure By using this interface, you can add security principals and allow or deny them the three share permissions. To set share permissions by using Server Manager, either while creating a share or modifying an existing one, use the following procedure.

Log on to Windows Server and launch Server Manager. In the Shares tile, right-click a share and, from the shortcut menu, select Properties. The Properties sheet for the share opens. Click Permissions. The Permissions page opens. Click Customize Permissions. The Advanced Security Settings dialog box for the share opens. Click the Share tab to display the interface shown in Figure Click Add to open a Permission Entry dialog box for the share.

Type the name of or search for the security principal to which you want to assign share permissions and click OK. The security principal you speciied appears in the Permission Entry dialog box. Select the type of permissions you want to assign Allow or Deny. Select the check boxes for the permissions you want to assign and click OK. This process is called authorization.

Assigning basic NTFS permissions Most ile server administrators work almost exclusively with basic NTFS permissions because there is no need to work directly with advanced permissions for most common access control tasks.

To assign basic NTFS permissions to a shared folder, the options are essentially the same as with share permissions. Open the Shares home page. Every ile and folder on an NTFS volume has permissions. Although this procedure describes the process of assigning permissions to a shared folder, you can open the Properties sheet for any folder in a File Explorer window, click the Security tab, and work with its NTFS permissions in the same way. Open the Properties sheet for a share and click Permissions to open the Permissions page.

The rest of this procedure applies equally well to that page and its subsequent dialog boxes. Click Customize Permissions to open the Advanced Security Settings dialog box for the share, displaying the Permissions tab, as shown in Figure This dialog box is as close as the Windows graphical interface can come to displaying the contents of an ACL. Click Add. This opens the Permission Entry dialog box for the share.

In the Type drop-down list, select the type of permissions you want to assign Allow or Deny. In the Applies To drop-down list, specify which subfolders and iles should inherit the permissions you are assigning. Select the check boxes for the basic permissions you want to assign and click OK. Assigning advanced NTFS permissions In Windows Server , the ability to manage advanced permissions is integrated into the interface you use to manage basic permissions.

In the Permission Entry dialog box, clicking the Show Advanced Permissions link changes the list of basic permissions to a list of advanced permissions. You can then assign advanced permissions in any combination, just as you would basic permissions. Combining share and NTFS permissions It is important for ile server administrators to understand that the NTFS and share permission systems are completely separate, and that for network users to access iles on a shared NTFS drive, they must have both the correct NTFS and the correct share permissions.

The share and NTFS permissions assigned to a ile or folder can conlict. For example, if a user has the NTFS Write and Modify permissions for a folder but lacks the share Change permission, that user will not be able to modify a ile in that folder. The share permission system is the simplest of the Windows permission systems, and it provides only basic protection for shared network resources.

Share permissions provide only three levels of access, in contrast to the far more complex system of NTFS permissions. Generally, network administrators prefer to use either NTFS or share permissions, not both. Share permissions provide limited protection, but this might be suficient on some small networks.

Share permissions might also be the only option on a computer with FAT32 drives because the FAT ile system does not have its own permission system. To assess your readiness and performance with real time scenario based questions, we suggest you prepare with our Premium Microsoft Installing and Configuring Windows 10 Certification Practice Exam.

When you solve real time scenario based questions practically, you come across many difficulties that give you an opportunity to improve. Skip to main content Skip to search. Login links. Primary menu. Secondary menu. Microsoft Sample Questions: You are the IT manager for your organization. The organization is looking at upgrading all of its machines from Windows XP to Windows Which Windows 10 feature can you use to assure the managers that all of their Windows XP applications will continue to work?

You are the network administrator for your company. Your service provider has assigned you the network address You have been granted the entire range to use. Restore files, roll back drivers, and recover Windows 10 devices. It describes the new features in Windows 10, and the important changes since Windows 8.

It describes the use, navigation, and customization of the new, enhanced user interface. This module also mentions the features of Windows 10 that make it beneficial for organizations of different sizes. It describes the requirements and available options for installing Windows 10 on a device.

It also provides instructions on installing Windows 10 and upgrading to it. This module discusses points to consider when deciding between an upgrade or migration to Windows 10, and the supported upgrade paths from older versions of the Windows operating system.

It describes the different types of user accounts, and the benefits of using a Microsoft account. This module also describes Microsoft OneDrive, and how it integrates with Windows This module describes the management and maintenance of disks, partitions, and volumes.

It also describes the Storage Spaces feature, and the process of configuring it. It explains how to configure file permissions, the effect of file permissions, how explicit and inherited permissions work, and how to include user and device claims in access permissions. This module also explains how to share folders, the tools to use for sharing a folder, and the effective permissions when a user tries to access data in a shared folder that is protected by file permissions.

The last lesson in the module describes how to add and share a printer, and how to manage client and server side printing. It explains how to install apps manually and automatically, and how to use Microsoft Systems Center Configuration Manager and Microsoft Intune to deploy apps.

It describes the Windows Store, and how to manage access to it. This module also describes the Internet Explorer 11 and Edge browsers, and explains how to configure and manage both. It provides an overview of these threats, and discusses possible mitigations and best practices for dealing with them. This module also describes how to configure, administer, and monitor BitLocker. It describes Windows Firewall, IPsec connection security rules, and Windows Defender, and how to configure these tools to manage network security.

This module also explains features such as System Restore, Startup Recovery, and System Image Recovery, and describes how to use restore points to roll back device configuration. QA reserves the right to improve the specification and format of its courses for the benefit of its customers without notice to the customer.

Open navigation menu. Close suggestions Search Search. User Settings. Skip carousel. Carousel Previous. You have to make sure that the computer always starts Windows 7 by default. What action should you perform? You are hired by a small company to set up a network. The company sells pocket watches and they have only five employees.

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You are the system administrator for your company. You are configuring the services on a Windows 10 computer. You want to ensure that if a service fails to load, it will attempt to restart. Are agile, DevOps and similar certifications worth it? Money Back Guarantee. Privacy Policy. Terms and Conditions. About Us. Join Us. Contact Us. All trademarks, service marks, trade names, trade dress, product names and installing and configuring windows 10 pdf free appearing on the site are the property of their respective owners.

The installing and configuring windows 10 pdf free www. All rights reserved. Question: 01 Answer: c. Question: 02 Answer: c. Question: 03 Answer: c, d.

Question: 04 Answer: a. Question: 05 Answer: a. Question: 06 Answer: c. Question: 07 Answer: ajd. Question: 08 Answer: c. Question: 09 Answer: c. Question: 10 Answer: c.

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